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Dementia Capable Communities Expert Team

Page history last edited by Jenna Bowman 14 years, 8 months ago

Co-Chair: Gerise Thompson, Southern Minnesota Regional Center Director, Alzheimer's Association

Co-Chair: Catherine Sampson, Director, Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging

Team Members: Patti Cullen; Mike Demmer; David Foster; Mary Gorfine; Deb Holtz; Kate Houston; Neil Johnson; Jessica Kirchoff; Andrine LeMieux, PhD; Alice Neve; Mary Manning; Carol Shapiro; Jocelyn Showalter; Kristin Sjolie; Glenn Smith, PhD; Mike Weber

Staff: Jan Mueller; Donna Walberg; Jenna Bowman


The Dementia Capable Communities expert team will examine existing resources, including the type, cost and availability of services and capacity along the entire care continuum. Specifically, the team will develop findings and make recommendations regarding the following:


  • Defining community and articulating the characteristics of a dementia competent community.
  • Examining community resources broadly, including residential facilities, home and community-based services, memory care units, as well as community services such as law enforcement, businesses, faith communities, social services, grocers, first responders, and other community resources. 
  • Providing potential approaches for all aspects of the community to cooperate effectively while respecting privacy and dignity of individuals and their families.
  • Describing the ability of and methods for communities to identify their own needs.
  • Determining the factors influencing whether Minnesotans in rural and out state areas have access to services and care, quality assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management of Alzheimer’s disease, and how all pieces of the response work together across the state.   
  • Addressing how dementia competent communities will support caregivers.
  • Increasing public awareness of Alzheimer’s disease in this topic area, including how the expert team results can be translated into public information for the full population.
  • Implementing and sustaining the recommended actions, including supporting infrastructure and funding possibilities.
  • Identifying and addressing issues that diverse populations may pose for the topic area recommendations.
  • Potential research initiatives in the topic area.


To view meeting materials and resources, go to the Navigator box on the right side of your screen, and select "Pages" or "Files" under the Dementia Capable Communities Expert Team folder.

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